Acupuncture is the procedure of inserting and manipulating needles into various points on the body to relieve pain or for therapeutic purposes.
The earliest written record of acupuncture is the Chinese text Shiji with elaboration of its history in the second century BCE medical text Huangdi Neijing.
Different variations of acupuncture are practised and taught throughout the world. Many studies have been carried out on acupuncture throughout the world and there is general agreement that acupuncture is safe when administered by well-trained practitioners using sterile needles, and that further research is needed.
Facial Acupuncture
Facial acupuncture, often referred to as cosmetic acupuncture or facial rejuvenation acupuncture, is a specialised form of acupuncture that targets the face to promote a more youthful appearance.
Trained by the accredited Paul Adkins, author of Facial Enhancement Acupuncture. This treatment works holistically and isn’t just about what we see on the outside, supporting well being on the inside so natural radiance emanates out. This non-surgical, non-chemical procedure stimulates the production of collagen, improving blood circulation to the face reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, whilst reducing inflammation promoting improved lymphatic drainage and healing.
A full consultation to assess skin concerns and overall health initiates treatment, tiny needles are inserted into specific points on the face followed by a gentle face and neck massage.
A course generally consists of 10 treatments, ideally a week apart. Sessions usually last between 60-90 minutes, with maintenance treatments recommended to prolong and enhance the effects.